Why do pharmacobezoars form?
The formation of a pharmacobezoar is multifactorial. Pharmacobezoars are likely to form following acute ingestions of a large amount of pills. Certain populations are prone to pharmacobezoars, including those with decreased intestinal motility, diminished gastric secretion, and autonomic dysfunction. Extended release drugs and enteric-coated tablets are culprits which often result in a pharmacobezoar because of the insolubility of the medication tablet.
Yelisetti, R., et al. Pharmacobezoar: An Unusual Cause of Large Bowel Obstruction. Gastroenterology Research, North America, 10, oct. 2017. Available at:<https://www.gastrores.org/index.php/Gastrores/article/view/871/950>. Date accessed: 14 Sep.
Contributed by: Alexandra Fountaine