ABAT Travel Grant
The American Board of Applied Toxicology is proud to support current Diplomates with a travel grant to attend a future NACCT. Designed exclusively for ABAT Diplomates, this grant offers an incredible opportunity to give back to our membership an opportunity to attend NACCT and keep members engaged in clinical toxicology through networking, showcasing your research, and conferencing. Applications are open until July 1st of each year.
Simply ensure you're an active member of both ABAT and AACT, and that you haven't received travel or research grants from ABAT/AACT for NACCT in the past two years. Whether you're a seasoned member returning to NACCT after a hiatus or an ABAT Diplomate with an abstract accepted to the upcoming NACCT, this grant is tailored for you.
Each deserving Diplomate will receive $1000 to offset conference expenses, making your journey to NACCT even more rewarding. Don't miss this chance for career advancement and networking opportunities. Apply today!
Submission Deadline: July 1st