Question -What features form potential markers for persistence of methamphetamine-related psychosis (MAP)?
Answer- The cited article notes “We found that the types of hallucinations and delusions experienced by methamphetamine users are potential markers for the persistence of psychosis following methamphetamine use or for a primary psychotic disorder. Transient MAP was specifically associated with persecutory delusions and tactile hallucinations, whereas persistent MAP was additionally associated with non-persecutory delusions (delusions of reference, delusions of thought interference), complex auditory hallucinations, and hallucinations in other modalities (visual, olfactory and tactile). The lifetime symptom profile associated with persistent MAP was not significantly different to that of participants with a primary psychosis. (McKetin R et al. Differences in the symptom profile of methamphetamine-related psychosis and primary psychotic disorders. 2017 Psych Res 251:349-354)