Question - The perfluoroalkyl compounds PFOA and PFOS are no longer manufactured or imported into the United States. What has happened to serum levels of these compounds in the general U.S. population, in part, as a result of the discontinuation of manufacture and importation of these chemicals?
Answer- The cited reference notes “Serum levels of PFOSA and PFOS in the general population of the United States have decreased dramatically in recent years as U.S. production of these substances ceased. For example, the geometric mean concentrations of PFOA and PFOS in the general populations were 5.2 and 30.4 ng/mL (ppb), respectively in 1999-2000, but have decreased to 1.94 ng/mL (PFOA) and 4.99 ng/mL (PFOS) in 2013-2014.” (2018 Toxicological Profile for Perfluoroalkyls [Draft for Public Comment] ATSDR.)