What is the maximum safe dosage of lidocaine for tumescent lidocaine anesthesia for liposuction?
Tumescent lidocaine anesthesia consists of subcutaneous injection of relatively large volumes (up to 4 L or more) of dilute lidocaine (≤1 g/L) and epinephrine (≤1 mg/L). Although some sources allow up to 55 mg/kg, a recent pharmacokinetic study estimated the maximum safe dosage of tumescent lidocaine as 45 mg/kg with liposuction and 28 mg/kg without liposuction.
Klein JA, Jeske DR. Estimated Maximal Safe Dosages of Tumescent Lidocaine. Anesth Analg. 2016 May;122(5):1350-9. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001119. PMID: 26895001; PMCID: PMC4830750. Tumescent lidocaine, LAST, liposuction HHays
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