Question - According to NIOSH, what are the various exposure risk levels for EMS providers regarding exposure to the drug fentanyl in the field?
Answer- The exposure risk levels as defined by NIOSH are “minimal”, “moderate” and “high” and are further defined as follows:
Minimal: Response to a situation where it is suspected that fentanyl may be present, but no fentanyl products are visible Example: An EMS response to a suspected fentanyl overdose or law enforcement operation where intelligence indicates fentanyl products are suspected but are not visible on scene
Moderate: Response to a situation where small amounts of fentanyl products are visible. Example: An EMS response to a suspected fentanyl overdose or law enforcement operation where fentanyl products are suspected and small amounts are visible on scene
High: Response to a situation where liquid fentanyl or large amounts of fentanyl products are visible. Example: A fentanyl storage or distribution facility, fentanyl milling operation, or fentanyl production laboratory (; accessed April 2018)