Because we inadvertently didn't get the QOD out during the week of November 5, we've had two weekends of "Special Weekend Editions of the QOD". Today is the last day of the "Special Weekend Edition". Thanks for your understanding!
Question - What is the potential relationship between occupational exposure to cadmium and the development of urolithiasis?
Answer- A recent meta-analysis of six observational studies involving more than 88,000 individuals concluded as follows “The meta-analysis indicated that increased risk of urolithiasis is associated with high cadmium exposure, and this association is higher in occupational exposure than in dietary exposure. Nevertheless, well-designed observational studies with different ethnic populations are still needed.” Specifically, these authors reported “The findings of the meta-analysis suggested that the risk of urolithiasis increases significantly by 1.32 times at higher cadmium exposure (OR = 1.32; 95% CI = 1.08–1.62; for highest vs lowest category urinary cadmium values). The summary OR in occupational exposure (OR=1.56; 95% CI=1.13–2.14) increased at the same condition. Meanwhile, no association was observed between cadmium exposure and urolithiasis risk in dietary exposure (OR = 1.13; 95% CI=0.87–1.47). A significant association remained consistent, as indicated by subgroup analyses and sensitivity analyses.”(Guo Z et al. Association between cadmium exposure and urolithiasis risk. 2018 Medicine 97: 1(e9460))