In a prospective study from 2018 comparing low dose versus standard dose CT scan in body stuffers, what was the outcome?
This study found that low dose CT scans were able to detect 100% of baggies that were larger than 1cm. Because of the small size of baggies, plain radiographs are of little value in most suspects. On the other hand, abdomen CT scan is burdened by high cost and radiation dose. This study showed low dose CT scans had a sensitivity of 86%, specificity of 100%, PPV and NPV of 100% and 86%.
Bahrami-Motlagh H, Mahboubi-Fooladi Z, Salevatipour B, Hassanian-Moghaddam H, Mirhashemi SH. Comparison of low dose and standard dose abdominal CT scan in body stuffers. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2018 May;56(5):348-354.
Contributed by: Dawn Sollee, PharmD DABAT & Molly Stott, PharmD on behalf of the Florida/USVI Poison Information Center-Jacksonville