Happy New Year!
Question - What is the so-called “Kambo cleanse”?
Answer - The cited article notes “Kambo cleanse is a purification, cleansing ritual traditionally performed by South American shaman to confer luck and health to hunters”. The authors of this article further state “The cleanse consists of rubbing resin obtained from the secretions of the giant leaf frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor) into superficial wounds to produce intense gastrointestinal symptoms followed by a sensation of increased stamina and strength. The cleanse is now being increasingly performed in Europe and USA.” They report a case of a patient “who presented to the emergency department with prolonged symptoms of vomiting, flushing, facial swelling, altered mental status, and agitation requiring chemical restraints, 22 hours after a Kambo cleanse. The patient was found with four small, circular, superficial burns to the ankle at the site where the resin was introduced.” (Li K, et al. Prolonged toxicity from Kambo cleanisng ritual. 2018 Clin Tox 56(11): 1165-1166)