Question - What is the morbidity and mortality associated with high concentration peroxide ingestion?
Answer- A recent retrospective database analysis of high concentration (>10%) peroxide ingestion reported “…41 of 294 patients (13.9%; 95% confidence interval 10.2% to 18.4%) with symptoms after high-concentration peroxide ingestion demonstrated evidence of embolic events, and 20 of 294 (6.8%; 95% confidence interval 4.2% to 10.3%) either died or exhibited continued disability when the poison center chart was closed. Improved outcomes were demonstrated after early hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Endoscopy revealed grade 3 or 4 lesions in only 5 cases.” (Hatten BW et al. Outcomes after high-concentration peroxide ingestions. 2017 Ann Emerg Med 69:726-736)