December 17, 2020
December is a month when many people around the world re-energize their spiritual lives and reconnect with family and friends. It is incredibly important to sustain emotional and mental wellness with so many external stressors like the pandemic and social injustice, and their sequelae.
AACT is actively developing more programs and resources to enrich your clinical toxicology education and practice in 2021. The NACCT 2020 after-the-fact continuing education has been moved to the AACT learning management system and should be operational by next month. The AACT mobile application will allow you to access to AACT wherever you go with your mobile device. This too will be appearing in 2021. You will also be introduced to the mentorship program, greater opportunities in the AACT Sections and opportunities to collaborate on research.
On Friday the 13th of November, we started the first AACT student chapter. This is a combination of pharmacy and physician students who share a passion for clinical toxicology with an AACT member as a mentor. Learn more how to start a student chapter. The future of clinical toxicology will be in their hands and this is your chance to guide them towards a successful future.
In this time of giving, don’t forget to about the AACT. All year long, the singular mission of the AACT is to give you the highest quality education with credits, networking, research funding, collaboration and academic advancement. Invest in the future of the Academy.
Make sure to reserve quality time for yourselves and your loved ones during this busy season. Put on your onesie, snuggle up to the fire with the latest Clinical Toxicology and send in a Question of the Day to Cherish the gifts you give and receive with the people in your six-foot circle of trust. Remember those we have lost, seek inclusion, justice and wage peace. Many members of AACT have come face-to-face with COVID19, thank you for your unwavering and unconditional commitment to provide care for the less fortunate, while putting yourself at risk. I hope you all will find a vaccine in your stocking.
Warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday and a healthy New Year!
Kirk Cumpston, DO, FAACT
American Academic of Clinical Toxicology