Question of the Day – Tuesday, October 25, 2022
According to a recent systematic review of ethylene glycol poisoning, mortality was unlikely to occur if the glycolate concentration was under what value? Various studies have demonstrated that the anion gap is a good correlate for the glycolate concentration in the setting of ethylene glycol…
Question of the Day – Wednesday, October 5, 2022
According to a recent systematic review of ethylene glycol poisoning, what was the glycol concentration that best predicted acute kidney injury? AKI was expected if the glycolate concentration was >12.9 mmol/L, (sensitivity 78.5%, specificity 88.1%, positive predictive value 86.4%, negative predictive value 80.9%). This correlated…
Question of the Day – Friday, September 30, 2022
According to a recent systematic review, at what ethylene glycol concentration threshold is ethanol monotherapy expected to fail? Contrary to fomepizole, the ethylene glycol concentration appeared to predictive of ethanol failure in the cited systematic review. The authors postulate that the higher affinity and/or better…
Question of the Day – Thursday, September 29, 2022
According to a recent systematic review, at what ethylene glycol concentration threshold is fomepizole monotherapy expected to fail? As suggested by prior reports, the cited reference did not identify an ethylene glycol concentration over which fomepizole treatment is expected to fail. Adverse outcomes and treatment…