What over the counter medication is responsible for 460 cases of abuse or misuse over the last 20 years? Common side effects reported to poison centers include: tachycardia, agitation, hypertension, angina, tremor, hallucinations, delusions, confusion, nausea, and vomiting. Of the 460 cases reported to poison centers, 21 had life threatening outcomes and 13 resulted in ICU admission.
Propylhexedrine. (Benzedrex®, Obesin®) a nasal decongestant, appetite suppressant, and psychostimulant medication. It is used medicinally for relief of congestion due to colds, allergies and allergic rhinitis and recreationally for its euphoric effects
3-25-2021 FDA Drug Safety Communication.
FDA warns that abuse and misuse of the nasal decongestant propylhexedrine causes serious harm
Submitted by: Jennifer Splawski, PharmD, MS, BCPS on behalf of Acute and Intensive Care Section