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Education & Groups
American Board of Applied Toxicology (ABAT)
2024 ABAT Election Ballot
ABAT Travel Grant
ABAT Exceptional Service Award
ABAT Newsletter
Sitting for the American Board of Applied Toxicology Exam
ABAT Examination Study Guide
Certification Renewal Documents
Life Long Learning Articles (LLSA)
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Diplomate Verification
ABAT Board of Directors Contact Information
Antidote Collective
Research Seminar: The Nuts and Bolts of Toxicology Research
Advanced Hazmat Life Support Training
MMTI Fundamentals for Front-Line Practitioners Training
TOXISMO Society for the Discussion of Scientific Literature
ABAT Journal Club Webinars
COVID Webinar Series
Toxicology Residency & Fellowship Training Programs
Clinical Toxicology Guidelines Collaborative
Fellows of AACT
ToxCoach Mentorship Program
Acute & Intensive Care
Addiction Toxicology Section
Clinical Toxicology In Sports
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Section
Herbs & Dietary Supplements
Geriatric Toxicology
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National Clintox Book Club
NACCT Annual Meeting
Abstract Submissions
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After the Fact CE
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AACT Research Award
AACT Knowledge Translation Grant Award
Junior Investigator Research Grant
Gary S. Wasserman, DO, FAACT Memorial Pediatric Abstract Award
Toxicology Trainee Research Grant
Student and Trainee Travel Award
Lampe-Kunkel Memorial Award
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CME Activity Form
CME Activity Form
CME Activity Form for Webinars
Proposed Activity Title
Activity Type
AACT Section Webinar
ABAT Journal Club
TOXISMO Not Your Average Journal Club
Tox History Webinar
Activity Date
1) Brief description and overall purpose of this educational session that will entice your audience to attend and set realistic expectations of the content:
Maximum of 100 words.
Target Audience
If you selected 'other" please describe:
What professional practice gap is the activity addressing?
Identify what problem we are addressing – the gap is the difference between a perfect world and the actual world we live in. Using statistics are often helpful in explaining what the gap is. Ex: 1 in 8 will develop breast cancer, early detection can help minimize that statistic, so the goal is to close the knowledge gap between 0 in 8 vs the real world 1 in 8. (Maximum 100 words)
What educational need is the cause of this practice gap?
This is what the presenter is going to do to help close the gap identified in #1(practice gap is a problem or an issue that we are looking to help solve). What does the presenter need to teach the learner to help close/solve the gap/problem? (Maximum 50 words)
From your perspective, how did you design this activity to improve skills/strategy of the healthcare team?
From the planner perspective, why do you believe that the learners, after attending this event, will have sufficiently improved skills so that the identified gap and need are overcome? What are the take-aways from attending this event (i.e. learner objectives)? (Maximum 50 words)
What is the target audience of this activity, and how does the planning committee reflect that audience?
Simply identify those professions that this activity is intended to reach and how those professions are represented on the planning committee. (Maximum 50 words)
How are you ensuring this activity is generated around valid content
Here, you outline how the activity meets ACCME Standard 1, in that you are ensuring the education is fair and balanced and that any clinical content presented supports safe, effective patient care. For more information on Standard 1, please visit: (Maximum 50 words)
Is there anything in this activity that any planner thinks may not be valid content? If yes, please explain.
It’s not unheard of that those serving on a planning committee have different opinions or even disagreements over the validity of selected content. Please use this area to outline any such occurrence in the planning of this activity and, if so, how the committee worked to resolve the issue. If no such issue arose here, please enter N/A. (Maximum 50 words)
Needs Assessment Documentation
Expert Opinion
Government/Regulatory Requirement
Peer-Reviewed Literature
Board/Re-Certification Requirement
National Guidelines
Needs Assessment Survey
If "other" please describe.
Name of expert, guideline, research, etc. (Maximum 60 words) or what the expert, guideline, research or other says that supports the need (Maximum 25 words)
Activity Type
Knowledge-based: Designed primarily for participants to acquire factual knowledge. (e.g., lecture)
Application-based: Designed primarily for participants to apply the information learned in the allotted timeframe (e.g., simulation session).
Learning Objectives
ACPE and ACCME require active learning and learning assessment for each session objective. Most sessions will be required to use some form of an audience response system to meet this standard. Staff will work with the presenter/organizer to incorporate active learning into the presentations. Only proposals with these elements will be considered. Further, there should be 3 learning objectives for every hour of CE activity (or one for each 15-minute sessions if more or less than one hour). Each objective must have one multiple choice (or true and false) learning assessment question to be presented during the activity. View tips for writing learning objectives here:
Learning Objective 1
A description of a specific patient, develop a medication regimen that reflects application of the best evidence and current guidelines. Max 14 words.
Active Learning Strategy 1
Such as an interactive case study describing a patient with a specific condition and how to develop a medication regime based on symptoms and lab test results. Max 25 words.
Learning Assessment 1
Solution to the case study with evidence-based references and current guidelines being applied. Max 25 words.
Learning Objective 2
A description of a specific patient, develop a medication regimen that reflects application of the best evidence and current guidelines. Max 14 words.
Active Learning Strategy 2
Such as an interactive case study describing a patient with a specific condition and how to develop a medication regime based on symptoms and lab test results. Max 25 words.
Learning Assessment 2
Solution to the case study with evidence-based references and current guidelines being applied. Max 25 words.
Learning Objective 3
A description of a specific patient, develop a medication regimen that reflects application of the best evidence and current guidelines. Max 14 words.
Learning Objective 3
A description of a specific patient, develop a medication regimen that reflects application of the best evidence and current guidelines. Max 14 words.
Learning Assessment 3
Solution to the case study with evidence-based references and current guidelines being applied. Max 25 words.
Assessment of Learning and Assessment Feedback
For Knowledge-Based Activities must include assessment questions structured to determine the recall of facts based on learning objectives. Techniques can be informal such as audience response systems, color cards, or raising of hands. Feedback may include the correct response to questions. For Application-Based Activities include case studies structured to address the application of the principles learned based on the learning objectives. Feedback may include correct evaluation of case studies. For both types of activities, when response are incorrect, communicate a question was answered incorrectly and provide the rationale for the correct response.
Knowledge-Based Activity
Lecture with questions
Games and quizzes to practice recall
Example with practice
Interactive case study
Interactive scenario
Role play
Application exercises
Practice exercises
If your activity is a knowledge-based activity, please match your active learning strategies to this activity type. Select all that are applicable. If your activity is an application-based activity, select NA. Activities can be both knowledge-based and application-based. If this is your activity, answer this question and the question below.
Application-Based Activity
Lecture with questions
Games and quizzes to practice recall
Example with practice
Interactive case study
Interactive scenario
Role play
Application exercises
Practice exercises
If your activity is an application-based activity, please match your active learning strategies to this activity type. Select all that are applicable. If your activity is a knowledge-based activity, select NA.
Length of Entire Session
30 minutes - 1 presenter max
45 minutes - 1 presenter max
1 hour - 2 presenter max
75 minutes - 2 presenter max
90 minutes - 3 presenter max
1 hour, 45 minutes - 3 presenter max
2 hours - 4 presenter max
Continuing education credit is given in 15-minute increments only. Shorter sessions are preferred by meeting attendees. ACPE no longer allows partial attendance; in order to claim CE an attendee must stay for the entire duration; thus, shorter sessions are desirable. If you selected Application-Based, your session must be at least 30 minutes. Please select only one choice.
Educational Level of Content
0 General interest: Level designation not applicable to this session.
Intermediate: Basic knowledge of the specific content area is suggested but, extensive experience is not necessary.
Advanced: General working knowledge of the specific content area suggested, information will be provided to expand current expertise.
Session Outline
Prepare a proposed outline of your educational session, include a description and proposed speaker for each topic and include the time allocated to each topic.
Proposed Presenters
Provide information on each proposed presenter. Presenters should reflect practice trends from around the country (geographically diverse) and provide attendees with various perspectives in the same subject. Proposals with minimal or no geographically diverse faculty are generally not accepted for presentation. Only the fields for the first presenter are required, however it is expected if you have more than one presenter, you will fill out the corresponding fields. All presenters will be emailed a conflict of interest (COI) disclosure form that must be filled out 30 days prior to the activity. If the COI form is not filled out prior to the activity, the individual will be unable to present. *It is understood that the speakers you list are those you will pursue upon acceptance of this proposal. Do not confirm your speakers at this time.
Presenter 1 Full Name
Include degrees, credentials and/or designations
Presenter 1 Email Address
Presenter 1 Title/Position
Presenter 1 Institution/Organization
Presenter 1 Address
City, State
Presenter 1 Expertise/qualifications on the Proposed Topic.
Maximum 250 words
Presenter 1 Biosketch
Presenter 2 Full Name
Include degrees, credentials and/or designations
Presenter 2 Email Address
Presenter 2 Title/Position
Presenter 2 Institution/Organization
Presenter 2 Address
City, State
Presenter 2 Expertise/qualifications on the Proposed Topic.
Maximum 250 words
Presenter 2 Biosketch
Presenter 3 Full Name
Include degrees, credentials and/or designations
Presenter 3 Email Address
Presenter 3 Title/Position
Presenter 3 Institution/Organization
Presenter 3 Address
City, State
Presenter 3 Expertise/qualifications on the Proposed Topic.
Maximum 250 words
Presenter 3 Biosketch
Presenter 4 Full Name
Include degrees, credentials and/or designations
Presenter 4 Email Address
City, State
Presenter 4 Title/Position
City, State
Presenter 4 Institution/Organization
City, State
Presenter 4 Address
City, State
Presenter 4 Expertise/qualifications on the Proposed Topic.
Maximum 250 words
Presenter 4 Biosketch
Moderator Full Name
Include degrees, credentials and/or designations
Moderator Email Address
Moderator Title/Position
Moderator Institution/Organization
Moderator Address
City, State
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